The mvmlib API reference

Margin Value Method Library

A library based on the margin value method for computing design margins using fuzzy logic and probabilistic methods for uncertainty modelling

The “DOELib” module

mvm.DOELib.get_design(name: str) Design

returns an a Design object initialized using the input folder


file (str) – the folder name to be used to load the data which includes * settings.json * scale.csv * unscale.csv

mvm.DOELib.gridsamp(bounds: ndarray, q: int | ndarray | List[int]) ndarray

GRIDSAMP n-dimensional grid over given range

  • bounds (np.ndarray) – 2*n matrix with lower and upper limits

  • q (np.ndarray) – n-vector, q(j) is the number of points in the j’th direction. If q is a scalar, then all q(j) = q


S – m*n array with points, m = prod(q)

Return type:


mvm.DOELib.scaling(x: ndarray, lb: ndarray, ub: ndarray, operation: int) ndarray

Scaling by a range

  • x (np.ndarray) – 2d array of size n * nsamples of datapoints

  • lb (np.ndarray) – 1d array of length n specifying lower range of features

  • ub (np.ndarray) – 1d array of length n = len(l) specifying upper range of features

  • operation (int) – The flag type indicates whether to scale (1) or unscale (2)


x_out – 2d array of size n * nsamples of unscaled datapoints

Return type:


class mvm.DOELib.Design(lb: ndarray, ub: ndarray, nsamples: int | List[int] | ndarray, doe_type: str, random_seed: int | None = None)

Contains the experimental design limits, samples and other relevant statistics

  • lb (np.ndarray) – 1d array of length n specifying lower range of features

  • ub (np.ndarray) – 1d array of length n = len(lb) specifying upper range of features

  • nsamples (Union[int,List[int],np.ndarray]) – The number of samples to generate for each factor, if array_like and type specificed is ‘fullfact’ then samples each variable according to its sampling vector

  • doe_type (str, optional) – Allowable values are “LHS” and “fullfact”. If no value given, the design is simply randomized.

  • random_seed (str, optional) – random seed for initializing LHS DOE. Does not affect ‘fullfact’ DOE’s If no value given then results are not reproducible

  • design_matrix (str, optional) – use the provided design_matrix instead of the one generated initially

  • TODO (#) –

property design: ndarray

used to return a copy of the design matrix


copy of design matrix

Return type:


load(name: str) None

loads the state of the DOE from a text file


file (str) – the folder name to be used to load the data which includes * settings.json * scale.csv * unscale.csv

save(name: str) None

saves the state of the DOE to a text file


file (str) – the folder name to be used to save the data which includes * settings.json * scale.csv * unscale.csv

scale() ndarray

return scaled latin hypercube between 0 and 1


scaled_LH – numpy array of size n * nsamples of LH values between 0 and 1

Return type:


unscale() ndarray

Unscale latin hypercube by ub and lb


unscaled_LH – numpy array of size n * nsamples of LH values unscaled by lb and ub

Return type:


The “fuzzyLib” module

class mvm.fuzzyLib.TriangularFunc(universe: ndarray, label: str = '')

Contains description and implementation of different fuzzy membership functions

  • universe (np.ndarray) – 1d array of length n n=number of samples

  • label (str, optional) – string to tag instance with, by default ‘’

get_array() ndarray

Sample an array of values from membership function


array – 1d array of length universe

Return type:


interp(input_x: float | ndarray | None = None) float | ndarray

Interpret membership of input for fuzzy function


input_x (Union[float,np.ndarray], optional) – value(s) at which membership is to be interpreted, by default None


level – interpreted membership level(s) of the input(s)

Return type:


set_func(low: int, medium: int, high: int)

Create an instance of the triangular membership function

  • low (int) – left foot of triangle

  • medium (int) – peak of triangle

  • high (int) – right foot of triangle

class mvm.fuzzyLib.FuzzyRule(input_statements: List[Dict[str, FuzzyFunction | TriangularFunc]], output: FuzzyFunction | TriangularFunc, label: str = '')

Defines a fuzzy rules by connecting fuzzy inputs to outputs

  • input_statements (List[Dict[str, Union[FuzzyFunction,TriangularFunc]]]) –

    list of dicts, structure of each dict {

    ‘fun1’: FuzzyFunction OR TriangularFunc object

    ’fun2’: FuzzyFunction OR TriangularFunc object

    operator: ‘AND’, ‘OR’


  • output (Union[FuzzyFunction,TriangularFunc]) – output fuzzy set

  • label (str, optional) – string to tag instance with

apply(inputs: ndarray) ndarray

Apply rule on fuzzy sets


inputs (np.ndarray) – pair(s) of values to be evaluated by rule


activation – 2d array with dimensions = len inputs * length universe holding activation function values

Return type:


class mvm.fuzzyLib.FuzzySet(lo: TriangularFunc | FuzzyFunction, md: TriangularFunc | FuzzyFunction, hi: TriangularFunc | FuzzyFunction, label: str = '')

Contains all fuzzy functions describing the low, medium, and high level membership functions

  • lo (Union[TriangularFunc,FuzzyFunction]) – low instance of fuzzyFunction class

  • md (Union[TriangularFunc,FuzzyFunction]) – medium instance of fuzzyFunction class

  • hi (Union[TriangularFunc,FuzzyFunction]) – high instance of fuzzyFunction class

  • label (str, optional) – string to tag instance with

interp(inputs: float | ndarray) Tuple[float | ndarray, float | ndarray, float | ndarray]

Interpret membership of input


inputs (float OR np.ndarray) – The input(s) at which membership is to be interpreted


  • level_lo (float OR np.ndarray) – The interpreted membership to the low membership function of the input(s)

  • level_md (float OR np.ndarray) – The interpreted membership to the medium membership function of the input(s)

  • level_hi (float OR np.ndarray) – The interpreted membership to the high membership function of the input(s)

set_label(label: str)

Changes label property of fuzzy set and all its membership functions


label (float) – new label name


Used to view the distribution of all associated membership functions

class mvm.fuzzyLib.FuzzySystem(antecedents: List[FuzzySet], consequent: FuzzySet, rules: List[FuzzyRule], label: str = '')

Contains all fuzzy inputs, outputs, rules, and fuzzy logic interpreter

  • antecedents (List[FuzzySet]) – list of fuzzySet objects defining the inputs

  • consequent (FuzzySet) – fuzzySet objects defining the output

  • rules (List[FuzzyRule]) – fuzzyRule objects

  • label (str, optional) – string to tag instance with

compute(inputs: ndarray, normalize: bool = False) Tuple[float | ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]

Compute fuzzy output of system

  • inputs (np.ndarray) – 2d Array of inputs of shape [n, n_inputs] n = number of data points to be computed and n_inputs = len(antecedents)

  • normalize (bool, optional) – if True normalize aggregate output by area


  • output (float OR np.1darray) – defuzzified crisp value(s)

  • aggregate (np.ndarray) – array of shape [n, len universe] n = number of data points in the input len universe = len(self.universe)

  • output_activation (np.1darray) – activation values(s) for defuzzified output


Resets intermediate aggregate membership function to zeros


View the aggregate membership function on the universe

The “uncertaintyLib” module

mvm.uncertaintyLib.compute_cdf(values: ndarray, bins: int = 500, cutoff: float | None = None, buffer_limit: float | None = None)

Calculate the cumulative distribution function for the excess margin

  • values (np.ndarray) – Values to construct cumulative pdf from

  • bins (int, optional) – number of discrete bins used to construct pdf and pdf curves, by default 500

  • cutoff (float, optional) – cutoff limit for calculating reliability, by default None

  • buffer_limit (float, optional) – lower bound for beginning of buffer zone, by default None


  • values (np.ndarray) – vector of value samples to use for computing the cdf

  • bin_centers (np.ndarray) – array of len(value) - 1 containing the x-axis values of CDF

  • cdf (np.ndarray) – array of len(value) - 1 containing the y-axis values of CDF


AssertionError – if only one of cutoff or buffer_limit is provided

mvm.uncertaintyLib.moving_average(i: ndarray, w: ndarray) ndarray

N-moving average over 1D array

  • i (np.ndarray) – input array to average

  • w (int) – number of elements to average


avaeraged array

Return type:


class mvm.uncertaintyLib.GaussianFunc(mu: float | int | ndarray, sigma: float | int | ndarray, label='')

Contains description and implementation of the multivariate Gaussian PDF

  • mu (np.ndarray) – 1d array of length n_dims containing means

  • sigma (np.ndarray) – 1d array of length n_dims containing standard deviations OR 2d array of length n_dims * n_dims containing standard deviations and covariances

  • label (str, optional) – string to tag instance with


Return the multivariate Gaussian probability density distribution on array samples.


samples (np.ndarray) – array of shape n_samples * n_dims at which PDF will be evaluated


z – array of shape n_samples of PDF values

Return type:



Returns the value of probability density at given Mahalanobis distance r


r (float) – corresponds to Mahalanobis distance r for hyperellipsoids r = 1 —> 1 sigma r = 2 —> 2 sigma r = 3 —> 3 sigma


p – probability density at Mahalanobis distance r

Return type:



The volume of the ellipsoid (x-mu)T.Sigma-1.(x-mu) = r This is the output of this method.


r (float) – corresponds to Mahalanobis distance r for hyperellipsoids r = 1 —> 1 sigma r = 2 —> 2 sigma r = 3 —> 3 sigma


V – volume of hyperellipsoid for Mahalanobis distance r

Return type:


property eigvals

Returns the eigen values of the covariance matrix


eigen values

Return type:


property ndim

Returns the number of dimensions from the input data


number of dimensions

Return type:


view(xlabel='', savefile=None)

view 1D or 2D plot of distribution for visual checks

  • xlabel (str, optional) – variable names to be shown on plot axes, by default ‘’

  • savefile (str, optional) – if provided saves an image of the figure in directory /images/self.label/, by default None


ValueError – if called when ndim is > 2

class mvm.uncertaintyLib.Distribution(pdf: ndarray, lb=-1, ub=1, sort=True, interpolation=True, label='')

Draws samples from a one dimensional probability distribution, by means of inversion of a discrete inversion of a cumulative density function, the PDF can be sorted first to prevent numerical error in the cumulative sum this is set as default; for big density functions with high contrast, it is absolutely necessary, and for small density functions, the overhead is minimal, a call to this distribution object returns indices into density array, borrowed from:

  • pdf (np.ndarray) – 2d-array of shape n_samples * n_dims including sample density values throughout the real or discrete space

  • lb (np.ndarray OR float OR int, optional) – The lower bound for the pdf support, default = -1

  • ub (np.ndarray OR float OR int, optional) – The uppoer bound for the pdf support, default = 1

  • sort (bool, optional) – if True sort pdf to avoid interpolation errors when evaluating from cdf, by default True

  • interpolation (bool, optional) – If true, treats input density values as coming from a piecewise continuous distribution If false, then a discrete distribution is assumed, by default True

  • label (str, optional) – string to tag instance with

property cdf

construct the cumulative distribution function


vector of cumilative distribution

Return type:


property lb

Returns the lower bound of the pdf supports


lower pdf supports

Return type:


property ndim

Returns the number of dimensions from the input data


number of dimensions

Return type:


property pdf

Returns pdf values


array of pdf values

Return type:

np.ndarray OR np.ndarray


draw random samples from PDF


n (int, optional) – Number of random samples to draw default is one sample


A 2D array of shape ndim * N, where N is the number of requested samples

Return type:



Resets the stored samples

property samples: ndarray

Sample vector getter


vector of sample observations

Return type:


property sum

cached sum of all PDF values; the PDF need not sum to one, and is implicitly normalized


sum of all PDF values

Return type:



Transform discrete integer choices when sampling to their continues real valued random variable samples


np.ndarray – Array of indices of shape ndim * N, where N is the number of samples


Array of transformed indices of same shape as input i

Return type:


property ub

Returns the upper bound of the pdf supports


upper pdf supports

Return type:


view(xlabel='', savefile=None)

view 1D or 2D plot of distribution for visual checks

  • xlabel (str, optional) – variable names to be shown on plot axes, by default ‘’

  • savefile (str, optional) – if provided saves an image of the figure in directory /images/self.label/, by default None


ValueError – if called when ndim is > 2

class mvm.uncertaintyLib.VisualizeDist(values: ndarray, cutoff: float | None = None, buffer_limit: float | None = None)

Contains PDF and CDF visualization tools

  • values (np.ndarray) – vector of sample observations whose PDF is to be visualized using a histogram

  • cutoff (float, optional) – cutoff limit for calculating reliability, by default None

  • buffer_limit (float, optional) – lower bound for beginning of buffer zone, by default None

view(xlabel: str = '', folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf', bins: int | List[int | float | str] = 100, bar_width: float = 1.0)

view 1D or 2D plot of probability distribution of value

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

  • bins (Union[int,List[Union[int,float,str]]], optional) – bins to show, by default 100

  • bar_width (float, optional) – relative width of histogram bars, by default 1.0

view_cdf(xlabel: str = '', folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

view 1D or 2D plot of probability distribution of value

  • xlabel (str, optional) – the xlabel to display on the plot, by default ‘’

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

The “designMargins” module

class mvm.designMarginsLib.Cache(key: str, dims: List[int])

Stores observations data. This class is an attribute of the MarginNetwork class, Cache subclasses are instantiated by the MarginNetwork class during its initialization

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • dims (List[int]) – The dimension along each axis (if empty then a float is assumed)

reset(n: int)

Resets accumulated random observations and value distributions


n (int, optional) – if provided deletes only the last n_samples, by default None

class mvm.designMarginsLib.InputSpec(value: float | int, key: str, universe: List[int | float], variable_type: str, description: str = '', symbol: str = '', distribution: Distribution | GaussianFunc | UniformFunc | None = None, cov_index: int = 0, inc: float = 5.0, inc_type: str = 'rel')

Contains description of an input specification could deterministic or stochastic

  • value (Union[float,int]) – the value of the input spec

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • universe (List[Union[int, float]]) – the possible values the design parameter can take, must be of length 2 (upper and lower bound) type(value) must be float or int

  • variable_type (str) – type of variable, possible values are ‘INT’, ‘FLOAT’

  • description (str, optional) – description string, by default ‘’

  • symbol (str, optional) – shorthand symbol, by default ‘’

  • distribution (Union[Distribution, GaussianFunc, UniformFunc], optional) – if a Distribution object is provided, then the spec can sampled by calling it Example: >>> from mvm import InputSpec, GaussianFunc >>> dist = GaussianFunc(1.0, 0.1) >>> s1 = InputSpec(1.0, ‘S1’, [0.0, 1.0], ‘FLOAT’, distribution=dist) >>> sample = s1.random()

  • cov_index (int, optional) – which random variable to draw from if multivariate distribution is provided, by default 0

  • inc (float, optional) – The value by which to increment the input specification during deterioration calculation (can be negative), by default 5.0

  • inc_type (str, optional) – possible values (‘rel’,’abs’) if ‘rel’ then the increment is multiplied by the nominal value, if ‘abs’ then the increment is applied directly on the input spec, by default ‘rel’

property inc: float

returns the adjusted change increment value for the input specification


value of adjusted input specification change increments

Return type:


random(n: int = 1) ndarray

draw random samples from value


n (int, optional) – Number of random samples to draw default is one sample


A 1D array of size N, where N is the number of requested samples

Return type:


reset(n: int | str | None = None)

Resets accumulated random observations and value distributions


n (Union[int,str], optional) – if provided deletes only the last n_samples and resets specs to original nominal value, if the string ‘all’ is provided deletes all samples and resets specs to original nominal value, if None is provied resets specs to original nominal value only, by default None

class mvm.designMarginsLib.MatrixParam(key: str, dims: List[int])

Stores observations data. This class is an attribute of the MarginNetwork class, Cache subclasses are instantiated by the MarginNetwork class during its initialization

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • dims (List[int]) – The dimension along each axis (if empty then a float is assumed)

property values: ndarray

Impact 3D matrix getter


vector of matrix observations

Return type:


view(row: int, col: int, xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the distribution of the desired matrix element

  • row (int) – index of the row of matrix

  • col (int) – index of the column of matrix

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

view_cdf(row: int, col: int, xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the distribution of the desired matrix element

  • row (int) – index of the row of matrix

  • col (int) – index of the column of matrix

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

class mvm.designMarginsLib.ParamFactory

Constructs different parameters based on given dimensions

static build_param(key: str, dims: List[int], datatype: str = 'continuous') ScalarParam | VectorParam | MatrixParam

Returns appropriate parameter class based on supplied dimensions

  • key (str) – unique string identifier

  • dims (List[int]) – The dimensions of the parameter

  • datatype (str, optional) – The type of values being stored, possible values : {‘continuous’, ‘categorical’}, by default ‘categorical’


an instance of the correct class

Return type:


class mvm.designMarginsLib.Performance(key: str = '', direction: str = 'less_is_better')

Contains all the necessary tools to calculate performance and store its values if there is stochasticity

  • key (str, optional) – string to tag instance with, default = ‘’

  • direction (str, optional) – specifies the sign of the performance parameter when calculating the impact on it, possible values: (‘less_is_better’,’more_is_better’), if more_is_better is selected then the sign is negative, of less_is_better is selected then the sign is positive, by default = ‘less_is_better’

class mvm.designMarginsLib.ScalarParam(key: str, dims: List[int], datatype: str = 'continuous')

Stores observations data. This class is an attribute of the MarginNetwork class, Cache subclasses are instantiated by the MarginNetwork class during its initialization

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • dims (List[int]) – The dimension along each axis (if empty then a float is assumed)

  • datatype (str, optional) – The type of values being stored, possible values : {‘continuous’, ‘categorical’}, by default ‘categorical’

property value_dist: Distribution

Value Distribution object


instance of Distribution holding value pdf

Return type:


property values: ndarray

value vector getter


vector of observations

Return type:


view(xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf', bins: List[int | float | str] | None = None)

Views the distribution of the parameter

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

  • bins (List[Union[int,float,str]], optional) – bins to show, by default None

view_cdf(xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the cumulative distribution of the parameter

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

class mvm.designMarginsLib.VectorParam(key: str, dims: List[int])

Stores observations data. This class is an attribute of the MarginNetwork class, Cache subclasses are instantiated by the MarginNetwork class during its initialization

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • dims (List[int]) – The dimension along each axis (if empty then a float is assumed)

property values: ndarray

Impact 3D matrix getter


vector of matrix observations

Return type:


view(row: int, xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the distribution of the desired vector component

  • row (int) – index of the row of vector

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

view_cdf(row: int, xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the distribution of the desired vector component

  • row (int) – index of the row of vector

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

mvm.designMarginsLib.nearest(p1: ndarray, p2: ndarray, s: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, float]

Find the nearest point to s along a line given by p1 and p2

  • p1 (np.ndarray) – first point on the line

  • p2 (np.ndarray) – second point on the line

  • s (np.ndarray) – point to calculate distance to


coordinates of the nearest point

Return type:


class mvm.designMarginsLib.ScalarParam(key: str, dims: List[int], datatype: str = 'continuous')

Bases: Cache

Stores observations data. This class is an attribute of the MarginNetwork class, Cache subclasses are instantiated by the MarginNetwork class during its initialization

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • dims (List[int]) – The dimension along each axis (if empty then a float is assumed)

  • datatype (str, optional) – The type of values being stored, possible values : {‘continuous’, ‘categorical’}, by default ‘categorical’

property value_dist: Distribution

Value Distribution object


instance of Distribution holding value pdf

Return type:


property values: ndarray

value vector getter


vector of observations

Return type:


view(xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf', bins: List[int | float | str] | None = None)

Views the distribution of the parameter

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

  • bins (List[Union[int,float,str]], optional) – bins to show, by default None

view_cdf(xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the cumulative distribution of the parameter

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

class mvm.designMarginsLib.VectorParam(key: str, dims: List[int])

Bases: Cache

Stores observations data. This class is an attribute of the MarginNetwork class, Cache subclasses are instantiated by the MarginNetwork class during its initialization

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • dims (List[int]) – The dimension along each axis (if empty then a float is assumed)

property values: ndarray

Impact 3D matrix getter


vector of matrix observations

Return type:


view(row: int, xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the distribution of the desired vector component

  • row (int) – index of the row of vector

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

view_cdf(row: int, xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the distribution of the desired vector component

  • row (int) – index of the row of vector

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

class mvm.designMarginsLib.MatrixParam(key: str, dims: List[int])

Bases: Cache

Stores observations data. This class is an attribute of the MarginNetwork class, Cache subclasses are instantiated by the MarginNetwork class during its initialization

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • dims (List[int]) – The dimension along each axis (if empty then a float is assumed)

property values: ndarray

Impact 3D matrix getter


vector of matrix observations

Return type:


view(row: int, col: int, xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the distribution of the desired matrix element

  • row (int) – index of the row of matrix

  • col (int) – index of the column of matrix

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

view_cdf(row: int, col: int, xlabel: str | None = None, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Views the distribution of the desired matrix element

  • row (int) – index of the row of matrix

  • col (int) – index of the column of matrix

  • xlabel (str, optional) – axis label of value , if not provided uses the key of the object, by default None

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’

class mvm.designMarginsLib.FixedParam(value: float | int | str, key: str, description: str = '', symbol: str = '')

Contains description of an input parameter to the MAN

  • value (Union[float,int,str]) – the value of the input spec

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • description (str, optional) – description string, by default ‘’

  • symbol (str, optional) – shorthand symbol, by default ‘’

class mvm.designMarginsLib.DesignParam(value: float | int | str, key: str, universe: List[int | float], variable_type: str, description: str = '', symbol: str = '')

Contains description of an input parameter to the MAN is inherited by DesignParam, and FixedParam

  • value (Union[float,int,str]) – the value of the input spec

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • universe (List[Union[int, float]]) – the possible values the design parameter can take, must be of length 2 (upper and lower bound) type(value) must be float, or int

  • variable_type (str) – type of variable, possible values are ‘INT’, ‘FLOAT’

  • description (str, optional) – description string, by default ‘’

  • symbol (str, optional) – shorthand symbol, by default ‘’


resets the design parameters to its initial value given at __init__

class mvm.designMarginsLib.InputSpec(value: float | int, key: str, universe: List[int | float], variable_type: str, description: str = '', symbol: str = '', distribution: Distribution | GaussianFunc | UniformFunc | None = None, cov_index: int = 0, inc: float = 5.0, inc_type: str = 'rel')

Bases: ScalarParam

Contains description of an input specification could deterministic or stochastic

  • value (Union[float,int]) – the value of the input spec

  • key (str) – unique identifier

  • universe (List[Union[int, float]]) – the possible values the design parameter can take, must be of length 2 (upper and lower bound) type(value) must be float or int

  • variable_type (str) – type of variable, possible values are ‘INT’, ‘FLOAT’

  • description (str, optional) – description string, by default ‘’

  • symbol (str, optional) – shorthand symbol, by default ‘’

  • distribution (Union[Distribution, GaussianFunc, UniformFunc], optional) – if a Distribution object is provided, then the spec can sampled by calling it Example: >>> from mvm import InputSpec, GaussianFunc >>> dist = GaussianFunc(1.0, 0.1) >>> s1 = InputSpec(1.0, ‘S1’, [0.0, 1.0], ‘FLOAT’, distribution=dist) >>> sample = s1.random()

  • cov_index (int, optional) – which random variable to draw from if multivariate distribution is provided, by default 0

  • inc (float, optional) – The value by which to increment the input specification during deterioration calculation (can be negative), by default 5.0

  • inc_type (str, optional) – possible values (‘rel’,’abs’) if ‘rel’ then the increment is multiplied by the nominal value, if ‘abs’ then the increment is applied directly on the input spec, by default ‘rel’

property inc: float

returns the adjusted change increment value for the input specification


value of adjusted input specification change increments

Return type:


random(n: int = 1) ndarray

draw random samples from value


n (int, optional) – Number of random samples to draw default is one sample


A 1D array of size N, where N is the number of requested samples

Return type:


reset(n: int | str | None = None)

Resets accumulated random observations and value distributions


n (Union[int,str], optional) – if provided deletes only the last n_samples and resets specs to original nominal value, if the string ‘all’ is provided deletes all samples and resets specs to original nominal value, if None is provied resets specs to original nominal value only, by default None

class mvm.designMarginsLib.Behaviour(n_i: int, n_p: int, n_dv: int, n_tt: int, key: str = '')
This class stores the method for calculating its outputs
  • Intermediate parameters

  • Performance parameters

  • Decided values

  • target thresholds

  • n_i (int) – number of intermediate parameters

  • n_p (int) – number of performance parameters

  • n_dv (int) – number of decided values

  • n_tt (int) – number of target threshold

  • key (str, optional) – string to tag instance with, default = ‘’

property decided_value: float | List[float]

decided_value parameters getter


vector of decided_value parameters

Return type:


property intermediate: float | List[float]

intermediate parameters getter


vector of intermediate parameters

Return type:


inv_call(decided_value: float, *args)

The function that will be used to calculate the decided values based on a selected variable This method must be redefined by the user for every instance, otherwise a surrogate is used if the user has used the train_surrogate method earlier


decided_value (float) – the decided value to invert


>>> # [in the plugin file]
>>> from mvm import Behaviour
>>> class MyBehaviour(Behaviour):
>>>     def inv_call(self,decided_value,r):
>>>         # some specific model-dependent behaviour
>>>         self.intermediate = decided_value
>>>         self.inverted = r**2
property inverted: float | List[float]

inverted parameters getter


vector of inverted parameters

Return type:



loads the Behaviour’s surrogate model and samples Performance surrogate and decision univere Saves any stored matrices


filename (str, optional) – basefile path, by default ‘man’

property performance: float | List[float]

performance parameters getter


vector of performance parameters

Return type:



Resets the stored variables


saves the Behaviour’s surrogate model and samples Performance surrogate and decision univere Saves any stored matrices


filename (str, optional) – basefile path, by default ‘man’

property threshold: float | List[float]

threshold parameters getter


vector of threshold parameters

Return type:


train_inverse(key: str | None = None, bandwidth: List[float] = [0.01], sm_type: float = 'KRG')

trains a surrogate model to invert decided values back to a chosen input variable and the intermediate parameters surrogate model returns an array of shape [n_samples , (optional variables + n_intermediate) ] the inputs are [n_samples , (decided value + other arguments) ]

  • key (str) – unique key string for the variable to be inverted

  • bandwidth (List[float], optional) – bandwidth of the correlation function used by Kriging, by default [0.01]

  • sm_type (str, optional) – type of surrogate model to train, possible values [‘KRG’,’LS’], by default ‘KRG’

train_surrogate(variable_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[int, int] | Tuple[float, float] | List[str] | str]], n_samples: int, bandwidth: List[float] = [0.01], num_threads: int = 1, sm_type: float = 'KRG', random_state: int | RandomState | None = None, *args, **kwargs)

trains a Kriging surrogate model of the behaviour model to make computations less expensive surrogate model returns an array of shape [n_samples , (n_intermediate + n_performance + n_decided_value + n_target_threshold) ] the inputs are [n_samples , other arguments ]

  • variable_dict (Dict[str, Dict[str,Union[Tuple[int,int], Tuple[float,float], List[str], str]] ]) – A dictionary with the input variables as keys and their corresponding type (‘INT’,’FLOAT’,’ENUM’) and their limits a tuple pair for the upper and lower limits or a list of ints or strings for ENUM variables

  • n_samples (int) – number of samples drawn from the behaviour model for training

  • bandwidth (List[float], optional) – bandwidth of the correlation function used by Kriging, by default [0.01]

  • sm_type (str, optional) – type of surrogate model to train, possible values [‘KRG’,’LS’], by default ‘KRG’

  • num_threads (int, optional) – number of threads to parallelize sampling the training data by, by default 1

  • random_state (Union[int,np.random.RandomState], optional) – Random seed or random generator instance used to generate training samples, If None is provided a random seed is used, by default None

class mvm.designMarginsLib.Performance(key: str = '', direction: str = 'less_is_better')

Bases: ScalarParam

Contains all the necessary tools to calculate performance and store its values if there is stochasticity

  • key (str, optional) – string to tag instance with, default = ‘’

  • direction (str, optional) – specifies the sign of the performance parameter when calculating the impact on it, possible values: (‘less_is_better’,’more_is_better’), if more_is_better is selected then the sign is negative, of less_is_better is selected then the sign is positive, by default = ‘less_is_better’

class mvm.designMarginsLib.MarginNode(key: str = '', cutoff: float = 0.9, buffer_limit: float = 0.0, direction: str = 'must_exceed')

Contains description and implementation of a Margin Node object which is the building block of a Margin Analysis Network (MAN)

  • key (str, optional) – string to tag instance with, default = ‘’

  • cutoff (float, optional) – cutoff limit for calculating reliability, default = 0.9

  • buffer_limit (float, optional) – lower bound for beginning of buffer zone, default = 0.0

  • direction (str, optional) – possible values(‘must_exceed’,’must_not_exceed’), by default ‘must_exceed’


loads the MarginNode’s stored matrices


filename (str, optional) – basefile path, by default ‘man’

reset(n: int | None = None)

Resets accumulated random observations in target, decided value, and excess attributes


n (int, optional) – if provided deletes only the last n_samples, by default None

save(filename: str = 'man')

saves the MarginNode’s stored matrices


filename (str, optional) – basefile path, by default ‘man’

class mvm.designMarginsLib.MarginNetwork(design_params: List[DesignParam], input_specs: List[InputSpec], fixed_params: List[FixedParam], behaviours: List[Behaviour], decisions: List[Decision], margin_nodes: List[MarginNode], performances: List[Performance], key: str = '')

The function that will be used to calculate a forward pass of the MAN and associated metrics of the MVM - The first metric is change absorption capability (CAC) - The second metric is the impact on performance (IoP) This class should be inherited and the forward method should be implemented by the user to describe how the input params are related to the output params (DDs,TTs, and performances)

  • design_params (List[DesignParam]) – list of DesignParam instances

  • input_specs (List[InputSpec]) – list of InputSpec instances

  • fixed_params (List[FixedParam]) – list of FixedParam instances

  • behaviours (List[Behaviour]) – list of Behaviour instances

  • decisions (List[Decision]) – list of Decision instances

  • margin_nodes (List[Performance]) – list of MarginNode instances

  • margin_nodes – list of Performance instances

  • distributions (List[Distribution]) – list of Distribution instances

  • key (str, optional) – string to tag instance with, default = ‘’

allocate_margins(strategy: str | List[str] = 'min_excess')

allocates MAN margins according to some strategy


strategy (Union[str,List[str]], optional) – Can be of value ‘min_excess’, ‘manual’ or a list of strings corresponding to each margin node. If ‘manual’, the self.decision_vector must be defined earlier. If a single string is provided all margin nodes are allocated identically, by default ‘min_excess’

compute_absorption(num_threads: int = 1, recalculate: bool = True, method: str = 'fixed', max_iter: int = 100, **kwargs)

Computes the change absorption capability (CAC) matrix of the MVM that has a size [n_margins, n_input_specs] and appends its absorption matrix if called multiple times without a reset(). Also stores and appends the deterioration vectors

  • num_threads (int, optional) – number of threads to parallelize sampling process, by default 1

  • recalculate (bool, optional) – Does not recompute the specification limits or the initial decision vector

  • method (bool, optional) – root finding algorithm to use, possible values [‘fixed’,’secant’], by default ‘secant’

  • max_iter (int, optional) – maximum number of iterations to use during root finding, by default 100

compute_impact(use_estimate: bool = False)

Computes the impact on performance (IoP) matrix of the MVM that has a size [n_margins, n_performances] and appends its impact matrix if called multiple times without a reset(). Must be called after executing at least one forward() pass


use_estimate (bool, optional) – uses the trained surrogate model from train_performance_surrogate to estimate performance at the threshold design, by default False

compute_mvp(plot_type: str = 'scatter', show_neutral=False) float

computes the margin value map after running all Monte Carlo computations

  • plot_type (str, optional) – possible values are (‘scatter’,’mean’,’density’) if ‘scatter’ is selected, simply plots all the sample absorptions and impacts, if ‘mean’ is selected, plots all the mean of all sample absorptions and impacts, if ‘density’ is selected, plots a Gaussian KDE of the sample absorptions and impacts, by default True

  • show_neutral (bool, optional) – If true displays the distance from the mean and the neutral 45 deg line


The aggregate distance from the neutral line

Return type:


property decision_vector: List[int | str]

returns a vector of decisions


List of decisions

Return type:

List[Union[str, int]]

property design_vector: ndarray

returns a vector of design parameters


vector of design parameters

Return type:


property dv_vector: ndarray

decided value vector getter


vector of decided values

Return type:


property excess_vector: ndarray

excess vector getter


vector of excesses

Return type:


abstract forward(*args, **kwargs)

The function that will be used to calculate a forward pass of the MAN (design_params,input_specs,fixed_params) -> (excess,performance) This method must be redefined by the user for every instance


>>> # [in the plugin file]
>>> from mvm import MarginNetwork
>>> class MyMarginNetwork(MarginNetwork):
>>>     def randomize(self):
>>>         pass
>>>     def forward(self,num_threads=1,recalculate_decisions=False,allocate_margin=False):
>>>         # some specific model-dependent behaviour
>>>         d1 = self.design_params[0]
>>>         s1 = self.input_specs[0]
>>>         p1 = self.fixed_params[0]
>>>         b1 = self.behaviours[0]
>>>         b2 = self.behaviours[1] # dependant on b1
>>>         e1 = self.margin_nodes[0]
>>>         # Execution behaviour models
>>>         b1(d1.value,p1.value)
>>>         b2(d1.value,b1.intermediate)
>>>         e1(b2.decided_value,s1.random())
init_decisions(num_threads: int = 1)

Calculates and stores the decided values of all decision nodes in the MAN


num_threads (int, optional) – number of threads to parallelize sampling process, by default 1

load(filename: str = 'man', folder: str = '/', results_only: bool = False)

loads the initial state of the MarginNetwork: Performance surrogate and decision univere loads any stored matrices

  • filename (str, optional) – prefix before loaded files, by default ‘man’

  • folder (str, optional) – basefile path, by default is current directory

  • results_only (bool, optional) – if True only loads results related objects such as margin nodes, input specs, performances, and impact and absorption matrices, by default False

property nominal_design_vector: ndarray

returns a vector of nominal design parameter


vector of nominal design parameters

Return type:


property nominal_spec_vector: ndarray

returns a vector of nominal input specifications


vector of nominal input specifications

Return type:


property perf_signs: ndarray

returns a vector of disarable performance directions


vector of disarable performance directions

Return type:


property perf_vector: ndarray

performance parameter vector getter


vector of performance parameters

Return type:


abstract randomize(*args, **kwargs)

The function that will be used to randomize the MAN. Include all random distribution objects here and have them draw samples by calling them. See example below


>>> # [in the plugin file]
>>> from mvm import MarginNetwork, InputSpec, GaussianFunc
>>> dist_1 = GaussianFunc(1.0,0.1)
>>> dist_2 = GaussianFunc(0.5,0.2)
>>> s1 = InputSpec(1.0 ,'S1', distribution=dist_1)
>>> s2 = InputSpec(0.5 ,'S2', distribution=dist_2)
>>> class MyMarginNetwork(MarginNetwork):
>>>     def randomize(self):
>>>         # randomization procedure
>>>         s1.random()
>>>         s2.random()
>>>     def forward(self):
>>>         # some specific model-dependent behaviour
>>>         x = s1.value + s2.value # These values will be drawn from their respective distributions
reset(n: int | None = None)

Resets all elements of the MAN by clearing their internal caches


n (int, optional) – if provided deletes only the last n_samples, where possible, by default None

reset_inputs(n: int | None = None)

Resets Design parameters and input specifications


n (int, optional) – if provided deletes only the last n_samples, where possible, by default None

reset_outputs(n: int | None = None)

Resets Impact, Absorption, Deterioration, and Utilization matrices


n (int, optional) – if provided deletes only the last n_samples, by default None

save(filename: str = 'man', folder: str = '/', results_only: bool = False)

saves the initial state of the MarginNetwork: Performance surrogate and decision univere Saves any stored matrices

  • filename (str, optional) – prefix before saved files, by default ‘man’

  • folder (str, optional) – basefile path, by default is current directory

  • results_only (bool, optional) – if True only saves results related objects such as margin nodes, input specs, performances, and impact and absorption matrices, by default False

property spec_signs: ndarray

returns a vector of input specifications directions


vector of input specification change directions

Return type:


property spec_vector: ndarray

returns a vector of input specifications


vector of input specifications

Return type:


train_performance_surrogate(n_samples: int = 100, sampling_freq: int = 1, bandwidth: List[float] = [0.01], sm_type: str = 'KRG', num_threads: int = 1, ext_samples: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] | None = None, random_state: int | RandomState | None = None)

Constructs a surrogate model y(x), where x are the excess values and y are the performance parameters that can be used to calculate threshold performances

  • n_samples (int, optional) – number of design space data points used for training, by default 100

  • sampling_freq (int, optional) – If > than 1 then the decided value is calculated as the average of N samples by calling the forward() N times and averaging the decided values, where N = sampling_freq, by default 1

  • bandwidth (List[float], optional) – The kernel bandwidth used in Kriging, by default [1e-2,]

  • sm_type (str, optional) – type of surrogate model to train, possible values [‘KRG’,’LS’], by default ‘KRG’

  • num_threads (int, optional) – number of threads to parallelize sampling process, by default 1

  • ext_samples (tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray], optional) – if sample data provided externally then use directly to fit the response surface, Tuple must have length 2, ext_samples[0] must have shape (N_samples,len(margin_nodes)), ext_samples[1] must have shape (N_samples,len(performances)), by default None

  • random_state (Union[int,np.random.RandomState], optional) – Random seed or random generator instance used to generate training samples, If None is provided a random seed is used, by default None

property tt_vector: ndarray

target threshold vector getter


vector of target thresholds

Return type:


view_perf(e_indices: List[int], p_index: int, label_1: str | None = None, label_2: str | None = None, label_p: str | None = None, n_levels: int = 100, folder: str = '', file: str | None = None, img_format: str = 'pdf')

Shows the estimated performance

  • e_indices (list[int]) – index of the margin node values to be viewed on the plot

  • p_index (int) – index of the performance parameter to be viewed on the plot

  • label_1 (str, optional) – axis label of excess value 1if not provided uses the key of MarginNode, by default None

  • label_2 (str, optional) – axis label of excess value 2, if not provided uses the key of MarginNode, by default None

  • label_p (str, optional) – z-axis label of performance parameter, if not provided uses the key of Performance object, by default None

  • n_levels (int, optional) – resolution of the plot (how many full factorial levels in each direction are sampled), by default 100

  • folder (str, optional) – folder in which to store image, by default ‘’

  • file (str, optional) – name of image file, if not provide then an image is not saved, by default None

  • img_format (str, optional) – format of the image to be stored, by default ‘pdf’