Getting started

Create a python virtual environment

Create a virtual environment for your project


$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate


python -m venv .env

Install prerequisites

mvmlib requires numpy make sure you have it installed

$ pip install numpy

Then install mvmlib using the command

$ pip install mvmlib
  • This will install the required dependencies:
    • matplotlib for visualization tools.

    • pyDOE for design space exploration.

    • scikit-fuzzy for fuzzy logic modeling .

    • smt for surrogate modeling of expensive models.

    • multiprocess for parallel processing of certain MVM computations.

Testing the installation

Start a python console and try the following command

>>> from mvm import *

This will make sure that all modules can be loaded properly and no dependencies are missing.


Several notebooks are available to get up to speed with SMT:

Uninstalling mvmlib

Simply use the following command

$ pip uninstall mvmlib