Amer Catic
Amer Catic is a mechanical engineer who received his PhD in 2011 focusing on knowledge management and product lifecycle management in product development processes. His current research focuses on knowledge management and lean product development in global companies. The aim is to set forward methodologies to enable the use of lean product development methods (e.g. visual planning, PULS, A3s, engineering checklists) without being collocated. The methodologies should integrate not only information management but also knowledge management.
More infoDag Henrik Bergsjö
Associate Professor
I am conducting research within the area of Lean product development, systems engineering and platform development (Technology, product and production platforms).My responsibilities include developing the research field of “Platform Based Development”. I am also interested in the integration of lean product development and product data/lifecycle management (PDM/PLM). Especially Lean product development tools such as Puls, visual planning and checksheets are of interest.
More infoGöran Gustafsson
Senior Lecturer
Göran Gustafsson is a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Industrial and Materials Science. His research focuses on how to retrieve, generalize, present and best utilize available knowledge in order to efficiently develop new products. The objective is to contribute to the creation of systems which can support and improve the industrial product development.
More infoHans L Johannesson
Full Professor
Hans research, which is focused on platform based development, is carried out in close cooperation with Swedish manufacturing, aerospace and automotive industry.
More infoIñigo Alonso Fernandez
Doctoral Student
Iñigo is a PhD student in the Systems Engineering Design group. His research supports system architects and platform development teams in analysing the impact of the introduction of new technologies, weighting the greater flexibility and increased value added versus the associated trade offs and risks. New methods and tools will allow the design of more sustainable products and platforms.
More infoÍvar Örn Arnarsson
Ivar´s research deals with “root cause analysis of late product changes”. His project aims at enhancing product quality and lower the total product development cost. The project participants are Volvo Group Trucks Technology and Chalmers University of Technology. Truck development projects can last several years and be variant-rich. Many decisions need to be changed during the course of the project, e.g., due to emergence of new information. It is well known that change made late in a development project are very costly and cause delays. This project aims to develop and implement approaches to eliminate root causes for late changes, and to shift remaining changes to earlier phases. Fundamental knowledge for the project will be; big data analysis, product development methodology, and quality Six Sigma.
More infoJakob Müller
Doctoral Student
Jakob R. Müller is a PhD student in the research group Systems Engineering & PLM. His research is aimed at developing and improving methodologies to assist in the product development process by providing a structured relationship between the products functions and components.
More infoJohan Malmqvist
Full Professor
Johan Malmqvist is chair professor in product development. His research addresses development methodologies and IT support for product development (PLM). Current research focuses methods and tools for development of product-service systems, for product configuration and for strategic development of PLM solutions. Another area of interest is engineering education. Malmqvist was one of the co-founders and active in the international Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) Initiative, the engineering education model that has been developed by the CDIO Initiative has been adapted by a large number of across the world.
More infoLars Almefelt
Senior Lecturer
Methodology for product innovation is the core of my teaching and research. Specifically, I am skilled in management of requirements, with focus on the role of requirements in product innovation. My work typically concerns products that integrate many different technologies and often include mechanics, software and services.I frequently take part in multi-disciplinary research projects that involve many parties and subject areas. Themes for research include: Balancing of requirements and synthesis of product concepts, Methodology for service innovation, Multi-disciplinary product innovation, and Designing products from a lifecycle perspective.
More infoMalin Hane Hagström
Malin Hane Hagström is industrial PhD at the research group Systems Engineering Design, since Jan 2018. Her research focuses on knowledge management between production and product development with a focus on lean principles and continuous improvement. The aim is to find ways to build in production knowledge regarding lean in the equipment acquisition phase with a special focus on professional maintenance.
More infoMaria Daniela Irene Siiskonen
Doctoral Student
Maria is a PhD student within the research group Systems Engineering Design. Her research is aiming at developing new product and manufacturing platforms for personalized medicines. The goal is to increase the number of customized treatments but to do so in an economically feasible manner.
More infoMassimo Panarotto
Massimo’s main research focus is on developing models for determining the lifecycle value of a new engineering system. The ability to properly evaluate the value of complex systems is becoming even more critical as customers, stakeholders and society require the fulfillment of more sophisticated needs and expectations.Massimo earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology in 2015. This followed both a Bachelor and Master degree in Mechanical Engineering earned at University of Padua (Italy) in 2008 and 2011 respectively.
More infoMats Alemyr
Mats Alemyr is teaching in the areas of Product Development, Quality- and Reliability Engineering.Mats also works as a Student “Ombudsman”
More infoOla Isaksson
Full Professor
Ola Isaksson has a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Luleå university of technology (1993) , a PhD in Computer Aided Design (1999), and an Associate Professorship (Docent) in Functional Product Develpopment (2010) from the same university. Since September 2015 Ola is a Full Professor in Systems Engineering and Engineering Design at Chalmers university of technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Ola has also a senior specialist position at GKN Aerospace, Trollhättan, Sweden. As a researcher, Ola’s interest focuses on competitive methods and tools for engineering and technology intensive applications in the mainly in the aircraft engine business. He leads a Cluster in Value Driven Development where research addresses Product Service Systems, Value Driven Design, Knowledge Enabled Engineering and more. Research projects are performed together with research partners nationally and internationally.
More infoOlivia Borgue
Doctoral Student
Olivia Borgue has a PhD in product development. She is working on the introduction of new technologies in already established industries aimed at promoting innovation. For example, the introduction of additive manufacturing in the space industry.
More infoSzandra Kövecses
Szandra is analysing how the impact of limited information quality on performance can be minimized. The project stakeholders are Chalmers University of Technology and the European Spallation Source ERIC. The goal of the project is to find ways to reach the performance goals of systems in large research infrastructure projects. The challenges in this type of project include complex systems, multiple stakeholders and parallel lifecycle phases.
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