Ola Isaksson
Full Professor
Ola Isaksson has a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Luleå university of technology (1993) , a PhD in Computer Aided Design (1999), and an Associate Professorship (Docent) in Functional Product Develpopment (2010) from the same university. Since September 2015 Ola is a Full Professor in Systems Engineering and Engineering Design at Chalmers university of technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Ola has also a senior specialist position at GKN Aerospace, Trollhättan, Sweden. As a researcher, Ola’s interest focuses on competitive methods and tools for engineering and technology intensive applications in the mainly in the aircraft engine business. He leads a Cluster in Value Driven Development where research addresses Product Service Systems, Value Driven Design, Knowledge Enabled Engineering and more. Research projects are performed together with research partners nationally and internationally.